Kadalebeeja/ Shenga Unde Peanut clusters

Me and Honey have decided to go sugar-free for the next 2 may be 4 weeks. After reading so much about the effects of sugar on metabolism and after struggling to get back to pre-pregnancy weight both of us have decided to try going sugar free (for those of you wondering if a man puts on weight during his impending fatherhood- yes they do big time, in case of Honey almost as much as I did!). The only time we did eat sugar is on major festivals and that too in moderation. It has been three days and it looks like eternity. I never realized how much sugar we indeed consume on any given day. Shivratri was an occasion we had some sweets, a small Tambittu and a small Kadalebeeja Unde aka Shenga Unde. Sadly enough the next festival is so very far at Ugadi :(  I am so glad we cleared the biggest test. Last evening at a friends house we both refused Eclairs -the pillowy, chocolatey creamy eclairs.. Ah! we did it once and it sure feels good. Hope to keep on going.

We will need,

Peanuts  1 Cup
Jaggery   1/4  to 1/2 Cup  (I used about 1/4 )
Cardamon 2

  • Preheat oven at 350 F. Spread the peanuts on a single layer on a cookie sheet. Pop the peanuts in the oven for about 10-15 minutes depending on your oven, till the peanut are fragrant and slightly deeper in colour. Remove and cool
  • Once the peanuts are cool enough to handle, spread them on a kitchen towel, cover it with another and rub it till the skin had fallen off the peanuts and they have broken into halves.
  • Combine the Jaggery and about 2 tbsp of water in a thick bottom pot. Melt the Jaggery and filter the syrup if you suspect any impurities in the Jaggery (I did not and went ahead with the recipe).
  • Crush the cardamon and toss it into the Jaggery. Bring the syrup to two thread consistency i.e. When you pinch the syrup between your wet thumb and forefinger, you can see at least two threads running between the fingers. 
  • Quickly stir in the peanut halves. Stir to coat the syrup onto the peanuts. 
  • Grease your palms and pat the peanuts into Ladoos, (The mixture will be crazy hot and it will scald) else, lift a little peanut mixture in a spoon and using another spoon, move the mixture on to a Parchment lined Baking sheet.
  • Cool it till the mixture sets and then store it in an airtight jar.


Savi-Ruchi said...

Wish I too could go sugar free! I manage to avoid all sweets, but coffee or tea with no sugar, I cant imagine!! Inspired by you, my inner soul is telling why not for atleast 2-3 days. Let me try! Thanks for being the inspiration.

Peanut chikki looks yum Smitha.

Lakshmi said...

unde looks yummy kanri. Staying away from sugar is difficult :( . I wish you good luck.

Umm Mymoonah said...

This looks so yummy, love to snack this anytime.

webdework said...

That is a new recipe. Havent had this earlier. Looks delicious. I really like this quick snack.
Indian Recipe Book

Kannada Cuisine said...

Thanks for your wishes Sush and LG...Five days and still going good.. except (my small dose of extra-dark chocolate, it has got hardly any sugar in it)

Nammaruchi.blogspt.com said...

Hi Dear there is an award waiting for u plz collect..Peanut unnde is looking yummy!

Unknown said...

That's a beautiful photograph, I love this

Recipeswap said...

ohh yummy peanut clusters.like how its so shiny.