Summer Squash Kootu

What would you do if your CSA bombards you with a variety of Squash- Zucchini, yellow, grey!Try to eat as much as possible and pass it on to neighbors. What if neighbors grow Squash and are eager to double your kindness and send you back with two squash for every one that you tried to get rid of? You will try novel ways  to use up the squash.. So that is what happened here. Loads and and loads of squash and I used them all up! Yippee...this one is the simple Kootu

We will need,

Summer Squash of choice  1 lb
Whole Moong Dal      1/2 Cup
Coconut grated          1 Cup
Cumin seeds             2 tsp
Green Chillies  + Red Chillies 3-4 each (according to taste)
Black Pepper corns  1 tsp

Ghee   2 tbsp
Mustard seeds 1/4 tsp
Hing a dash
Turmeric a generous pinch
Curry leaves a handful
 Salt and lime juice to taste.
  • Pick and wash the whole moong dal. Soak it in water for a few hours. Drain and wash a few more times. 
  • Chop the squash into 1cm cubes. Combine the dal and the squash with about a cup and a half of water and turmeric in a pressure cooker. Cook till the dal is soft. (My mother says, till the beans' belly bursts -"hotte odi") Remove from heat.
  • Grind together the coconut, cumin, pepper and chillies into a smooth paste.
  • Bring the coconut mixture to a boil. Add the cooked dal and squash. Simmer till the Kootu is fragrant about 15-20 minutes.
  • Now prepare the Oggarane - Heat the ghee, toss in the mustard seeds, hing and curry leaves. Once they stop crackling, pour it over the Kootu. Cover the Kootu. Adjust salt and lime juice and serve immediately with rice.


Rachana said...

A healthy and delicious dish.

Santosh Bangar said...

nutritious and healthy koottu

Sudhir R said...

This may go well with Appam, mouth waters..