Now for the bad news. Recently I discovered that one of my recipes was copied and posted as her own by a fellow blogger. Though there were minor alterations, it was not much more than a copy-paste job. At once i felt so bad, as if being swindled by the hawkers in Majestic, Bangalore....i did try to contact the lady but there was no response. I guess that is the way their psyche works right? If they can copy something that is not their own and claim it to be their own, then there is not much to be offended by a small cribbing-complaining email. Right? I felt like a kinder garden kid complaining about another kid who stole my candy. Any way, it is just the beginning I guess, besides somebody felt my writing was good enough to be copied! that is something to cheer about, after all I can still produce more such writings, and enjoy the run because of the sheer joy of it. But the person who copied it will definitely not know the joy of running. Now I have a feeling that all her recipes are lifted from a variety of sources. I would not be surprised if blogger decides to shut down her blog because of copyright-violation-complaints. So much for the name of blogging! What is the point? I do not get it.
The not-so-bad news is that I have not been cooking much the whole of last week and therefore I have nothing much to post! Just that the cold had taken its toll and I do not feel like cooking much. I wish i had the proverbial 'Huggi-Patre'/ 'Akshya pathre' that could conjure me up food I wish to eat... Would it not be a sci-fi thriller if there were a computer program that could instruct a modern kitchen to cook and produce yummy food with the press of a button?, a modern version of Akshya-pathre! Ah! But now got to get back to the kitchen.. tummy rumbling and I have to forage the fridge...
By the way, my blog will turn one year old this week...
So far, for now..
Enjoy the award, It's nice to feel good when you are not feeling well.
Nothing wrong with letting her know that she copied your recipe or photos. I find my photos somewhere else and get angry too.We work too hard on everything for others just to copy and paste!! Expose this person if she has a habit of doing this, helps us all too.
Now, go take a nap or something and have some Menasina saaru for cold. I know! Nobody cooks for us here. We don't cook, nobody eats that day!!! ;D
Thanks a lot Ashakka!
I just had some Menasina saaru, rice and Tondekai Palya! Feeling so much better after that.. As they say back 'Shiva turptanada' (Hotte Shiva!)
Thanks for your support too.. Need to do some research about the copy cat now..
Congrats once again.....
Sorry to hear this and was shocked.
People won't understand how much effort we had put to look after our blog as our kid, they just cm as a viewer if they like it, they coolly copy it. Thanks to Google alert. Let us know who is that copy cat so that it will be help full for all other fellow
It happens don't think abt it just relax and enjoy ur award :)
Congrats on your award.. Can I please get your email- id..
Congrats on ur award,Enjoy!!
Its very bad when somebody takes our effort without their own any effort!! Do explore an let us know..
Do take care of ur self, its very bad weather out thier now.. I support Asha for "Nobody cooks for us here. We don't cook, nobody eats that day!!!"... Its true,I came to know that after i came to US :)!!
@ Gayathri and Archy,
Thanks for your support,
Archy,, love your line '..came to know it after comming to US...' same here.. never thought of it even when I was in hostel! Food was so accessible back then, if we did not like at home or hostel, hotels were always there...
ha akka leee,one more award?wow thats so nice.congrats..
Congratulations! for award and sad to see that there are so many people who are doing this 'copy paste' business! But we are all with you, so not to worry.
Congrats Smitha!
congrag for this awards, U deserve it. Keep rocking.
congrats on the award. its sooo sad thar ppl copy our works. why dont you let everyone know who that person is .. i wish i too had a akshaya paatre
Hope you get well soon.Make some soup,certainly very rejuvenating.
congrats on your yummy award:)
Make us aware of the copy cat,in case he\she copies again.
Well - I am late so I assume you got well:). Am I thankful about my neigbours now when I read all those comments!! As for the copycat, you must reveal the name - it works instantly!!
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